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Operana's Profile

Full name : Operana, Jan Karl Cailing 

Email Address:

Teaching Philosophy: Essentialism,  Constructivism, and Progressivism 

Major : Social Studies 

Educational Attainment: 

  • Elementary: Nampicuan Central Elementary                               (2010 - 2016)

  • Secondary: Junior High: Nampicuan National High School      (2016 - 2020)

Senior High: San Juan National High School          (2020 - 2022)

  • Tertiary: University of Rizal System Antipolo Campus        (2022 - Present)

Favourite Topic : Law Related Studies (LRS)

This course's subject matter aids my needs to understand and learn what a law emphasizes in various dimensions such as in education, workplace, even in households. This has become my favorite topic or course subject due to it widens my knowledge on different laws that applies to committed crimes, more especially one of the topics that has been discussed here is the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the school communities. Which is a huge assistance provided for me, since I'm taking an education program.

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