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Atip's Educational Philosophy

     When I was a kid attending school to learn new things about the world. I come to think that learning somewhat happens in school and only in school. It stays on my mind until my father tells me how to drive a manual motorcycle. It just sinks in my mind that not all the learning will come from the school, in a room with four corners. Learning will happen anywhere you are, house, garage, mall, zoo, etc. and also learning happens anytime you want. Like scrolling on facebook and tiktok, watching some videos on youtube, bilibili, netflix. Even if you don’t want to learn, you will learn something. Even in a two way conversation with your friends, lover, or family. You will learn something new about them or what happened to them that day. Learning means learning knowing how television works, how our body works, how to fix something. Learning is like a process of gathering knowledge about new things. Gaining skills or new skills that you will use now or in the near future. Like I said earlier, learning can be intentional, for example you want to learn about how our respiratory system works or you want to learn how to design your room based on how you want it. Also, learning can be unintentional. For instance, you’re in your house and you always watch your mother clean your house, then one time when your mother is out buying essential things for the house and you start to do what your mother is usually doing. Like what you read above, learning is a process in which you are obtaining knowledge and skills, learning can be passed on by just a conversation about to people. You are learning about new things from them and they are learning something new about you. Or while listening to a teacher teaching the topic assigned for today. Also learning can be obtained while reading a book, article online, or watching some videos. One of the key factors of learning is attention, you won’t learn about something if you are not paying attention to it. For example, you are in a maths class and your seatmate calls you to say something and you choose to listen to him/her, and then when you get back your attention to the lesson you can’t understand it because you skip some step in the lesson. and because you don’t get the lesson you will research it or watch it on an online platform called youtube. That is when repetition will occur. You will repeatedly watch or read a topic that you want to learn to fully understand it. You can’t always learn something for the first time, sometimes you have to read or watch something to learn it. One of my professors in college always says that. You need to repeatedly read the lesson, if you want to understand it better and it stays in my mind.

           Teaching, when we hear this word the first word that we think is a teacher. Our teachers, because we are told that they are our second parent. But the first teachers that we have are our own parents because they teach us how to count, how to write and also how to read. They are the ones that guide us first. Teaching is a process of transferring a knowledge or a skill to someone or a group of people. Teaching is listening to someone that has that knowledge that you want to obtain or a skill/s that you want to learn. For example, you are in a classroom and you are listening to the person that is teaching you a knowledge. But it can't be done by only the teacher, it can also be done by your parents, your classmate, your friend, your family, etc. just like learning, teaching can also be done inside those four corners. You can also teach. Teaching is the one that supports the learning process. For example, you cannot learn without someone teaching you. It can be your classmate teaching you a past lesson that you didn’t understand and even in reading on your own or watching something on your own. When you’re reading a past lesson you are teaching yourself while reading it so you can fully understand it. Same as watching some videos on the internet. The one that you are watching is teaching you the lesson or something that you want to learn. So now, how will I as a future teacher facilitate this process as a teacher.

As a future teacher I should learn how to facilitate this process of teaching and learning in the classroom. As a future teacher I will give an instruction about the learning environment that I want to create as their teacher. Inform them that I want a healthy but quiet environment, what do I mean by a healthy but quiet environment is that I want them to enjoy the learning environment that I’m creating for them but also have the respect of the one that is speaking on the front and also to their classmate. Then, as our discussion is going I will briefly tell them if they understand our topic for today. while , doing the discussion I will also set or give an example for them to deeply understand our topic. Then, when we’re done discussion, I will give them an activity that will help them to understand more about the topic. And lastly, give them guidance if they are confused about some part of our topic or how they will do the given activity. Guiding the student in a healthy learning environment while boost their ability to learn new thing while enjoying staying in the school. Also, I as a future teacher will guide my students to the challenges that they are facing. Because it is hard to face the problem and challenges that you are facing alone. 

    As a future teacher, I expect my future students to obtain some or several skills that will help them in their school life and social life and also skills that will help them to face challenges and problem heads on. The first skill that I want them to learn or obtain is critical thinking skills to help them analyze a situation and think about a reasonable decision that they can make. Next one is problem solving skills that will help them to identify the problem and formulate a proper solution to make. The third skill that I expect them to obtain is the ability to construct their idea correctly and express it to others. I want my students to have good communication skills not only in a conversation but also while doing an activity in the classroom. But I also want them to have these fourth skills that make them a good listener too. I want them to have the ability to express their side or ideas and also listen to other peoples' side or ideas. The fifth skill that I expect them to learn is the ability to gather information in various sources to have not just one but several resources about the information that they have learned so they are sure if it is real or not. The sixth one is the ability to work effectively by themselves but also with their teammates or group mates. I really want them to obtain these skills for they have the chance to share their thoughts and knowledge that will help them and their group mates to have an excellent presentation. And I, as their teacher, want them to have high confidence because it is hard to grow up with such low confidence. The seventh one is to have the ability to adapt in the new environment that they are in. I want them out of their comfort zones, I want them to explore the world because the one is a huge place and in that huge place. They can obtain a unique knowledge and skills that will help them as they are growing up. The eighth one is the ability to appreciate and respect not only their culture but also others culture. The ninth one is the ability to lead other people, as said a while ago, I want them out of their boxes. I want them to experience not only being lead feels but also being the one that leads other people. The tenth and last is emotional intelligence. I don’t want them to always choose what they feel especially when the decision that they make will affect others. As their teacher, I also have goals for them that I want them to achieve. The first one is academic achievement. I know that some students don’t want to have academic achievement but most of them want one. And as a teacher I want my future students to achieve it because it is not only for me but also for them and their family. I know all of the students want to make their parents and family proud by achieving this. The second one is critical thinking and problem solving skills. I want them to really master this one because they can use it in real life scenarios that they will face while they are growing up. The third one is the communication skills. I want them to be a good listener and they can also express their ideas and sides to other people. The fourth goal is to be a good team player. I want them to have the confidence to speak their ideas to other people and also the ability to listen to other people's ideas. The fifth one is the ability to teach themselves on their own because not every time they will have someone to be by their side and help them. There will be some times that they will be alone and if that happens they can learn and face the challenges even if they are alone. The last goal is not for my students but for me as their teacher. I want them to be prepared for their future careers that they want to pursue. I want to guide them in the right path and help them to identify what they want to pursue in the near future. Because it feels unpleasant to be lost and not knowing what career path you will go too. As a future teacher, I have set my expectations and goals for them. Now, it is time for me on what I will implement for them to obtain or achieve my expectation and goals. First one is activities, activities that will challenge their mind that will make them listen to me very carefully and review the lesson that we discuss. I also make output like essays about a certain topic that will make them explore and learn new things and will make them think out of the box. I will assign some group projects about our topic that will make them use their mind and collaborate with other people. I want them to not just pass on my subject, I want them to go to the next grade full of knowledge, obtain different skills, and have high confidence. That they will use not only in the classroom but also in the outside world. I want them to achieve their personal goals and not just my goals for them, I want them to have a very intact relationship with their classmate and also with me.

    As a future teacher, I will operationalize my teaching philosophy inside the classroom. Firstly, on the first day of our meeting as a class, I will ask each and everyone of them on how they teach themselves or what is the effective way that they will learn. Because not all of them will learn effectively in a visual learning method, some of them will effectively learn in sensory settings while others will learn on application. Now that I know how everyone's learning methods are. I will make a discussion that they will learn all. First , the visual learner. The presentation that I will make has different pics of the object that is being said. I will show an actual object or a picture on what object I am discussing. For the sensory learners or hearing learners it is simple. They have to listen to me very carefully and I will also set some examples for them. And lastly is when I will make them apply our lesson for today by doing an output or activity. The characteristic that influences the way I approach the way I teach is the way they will learn the topic or lesson. As I want them to learn to adapt in their current situation and embrace change, I as their teacher will be a model to them. I also want to teach them in a way that they will fully understand the topic. I want to think that going to school and learning is not always hard but sometimes it is fun and enjoyable. I want them to think outside the box and their comfort zones because I am also doing it as their teacher.

    The goal that I set for myself as a future teacher is to make my student not just pass the grade but to also understand the lesson and to also enjoy learning and find that doing activities, outputs, and projects are stressful but fun. Because I grew up attending school to just pass the grade and finish it as quickly as possibly. So I don’t want my future students to be like that but I want my students to enjoy learning, being stressed but also having fun. Crying but also laughing. I want them to enjoy their school life.


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