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Evangelista's Educational Philosophy

I believe that learning through personal experiences is the most effective form of education. It's important for students to apply what they learn to real life situations and society. Learning should be active and dynamic, not just memorizing facts and information. It should have a purpose and contribute to the betterment of societ. Gaining knowledge is meaningless if it's not put into practice. Experiencing things first hand leaves a lasting impact on our minds, unlike concepts that we may easily forget. Personally, I find that I remember and apply what I've learned through experiences more effectively than what I've learned in the classroom. Learning through personal experiences is a powerful way to truly understand and retain knowledge. When we actively engage with the world around us, we create meaningful connections between what we learn and how it applies to real-life situations. It's not enough to simply absorb information; we must actively apply and integrate it into our lives. By doing so, we develop a deeper understanding and more practical skills that can contribute to our personal growth and society as a whole.

     For me teaching is teaching students to learn and find for themselves their own way of learning. Teaching is not just about a one way communication where a teacher gives information, it is a two way communication where both students and teachers share and collaborate knowledge with each other. I also believe that teaching teachers should teach students and let them experience learning because that is the best way to teach. Teaching them through experience will enable them to apply their knowledge to society. Teaching them through experience is through groupings or collaboration, brainstorming, actual or onsite learning, etc. Letting them experience actual learning will help them to become skilled professionals that do not only know concepts definitions but knows how to apply and contribute their learnings in the society. I believe that the best way to teach is by letting students experience learning themselves. This means engaging them in activities like group work, brainstorming, and real-life learning opportunities. By doing this, students can apply what they've learned to real-world situations 

     I expect my students by teaching them through the method of letting them experience learning is to develop skills that are really needed for contributing to society. I expect them to develop their critical and analytical thinking skills to enable them to think critically and analyze situations in the society that needs resolution. This way they may contribute to society by giving solutions to existing societal problems. I also expect them to develop social skills as it's very important in the outside world. For me intelligence is nonsense if a person lacks communication skills. Intelligence and communication skills should be proportionate to each other. I do expect them to be able to apply their learned skills to their workplace. I expect them also too be good people because I believe that learning experience enables them to understand other people making them easy to adjust to every person's attitude. To achieve my expectations these are my initial way of teaching to my future students; Encouraging students to participate in community service projects or volunteer work, where they can apply their skills and make a positive impact on the community. Organizing debates or discussions on current societal issues to promote critical thinking and analysis. Incorporating real-life case studies or scenarios into the curriculum, allowing students to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills to practical situations. Etc. 

     My teaching Philosophy is progressivism and pragmatism. This teaching philosophy emphasizes that learning by doing or experience is the best way of teaching and applying it to real world scenarios. I think these teaching Philosophies suit me well because this is the way I want to learn and how can I contribute to society with my learnings. I want my students to also learn like this. I want them to develop skills that the society will benefit from, not just benefit themselves because learning is nonsense if the society doesn't benefit from it. I want their learnings not just stay in their minds, I want them to explore and extend a helping hand to those who need their knowledge. This is the reason why I want my teaching approaches to be inclined with progressivism and pragmatism.

     As a teacher with a teaching philosophy rooted in progressivism and pragmatism, my ultimate goal is to empower my students to become active contributors to society. I believe that learning should go beyond the four corners of the classroom and be applied to real world scenarios.One of my primary goals is to develop critical and analytical thinking skills in my students. I want to equip them with the ability to think critically and analyze situations in society that require resolution. By encouraging them to question, explore different perspectives, and develop logical reasoning, I aim to nurture their problemsolving abilities. This way, they can contribute to society by providing innovative solutions to existing societal challenges. In addition to critical thinking skills, I also prioritize the development of social skills. I firmly believe that intelligence is nonsense if a person lacks effective communication skills. Therefore, I strive to create a classroom environment that promotes open dialogue, active listening, and respectful communication. By doing so, I aim to foster empathy, understanding, and the ability to connect with others. These social skills are essential for students to navigate the outside world successfully. Another important goal I have set for myself as a teacher is to ensure that my students can apply their learned skills to the workplace. To achieve this, I incorporate real life case studies and scenarios into the curriculum. By engaging students in hands on activities, group work, and discussions, I provide them with. I aim also to instill in my students a sense of responsibility and compassion. I want them to understand that learning is not just for personal gain but also for the betterment of society. Through community service projects, debates on current societal issues, and exposure to diverse perspectives, I encourage them to extend a helping hand to those in need. By doing so, they can actively contribute their knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on their communities. To accompli these goals, I continuously strive to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment. I actively involve students in their own learning process by incorporating experiential learning methods such as group work, brainstorming, and real-life learning opportunities .In conclusion, my teaching philosophy of progressivism and pragmatism aligns with my goals as a teacher. I strive to develop critical thinking, social skills, workplace readiness, and a sense of responsibility in my students. Through experience learning and a student centered approach, I aim to empower them to become active contributors to society. By fostering a love for learning and a desire to make a positive impact, I believe that my students can truly embody the values of progressivism and pragmatism.

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