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Platero's Educational Philosophy

As we all know the definition of learning for us is the gaining of knowledge and skills to understand new things and do them better. It is a way of growing and becoming more capable in different areas. When we learn, we get information and understand it in our minds. We can learn from books, teachers, or even from watching and doing things ourselves. Learning helps us understand the world around us, how things work, and how to solve real life problems. As I’ve learned in our discussion since prelim, learning is not just about memorizing facts. It is about understanding why things happen and being able to apply what we have learned in real-life situations. For example, if we learn about how plants grow, we can use that knowledge to take care of a crops in our garden. And also, if we learn about history, we can understand how events from the past have shaped the present. Additionally, learning is an active process. It involves paying attention, asking questions, and practicing what we have learned. Sometimes we make mistakes, but that’s okay because we can learn from them. Learning also involves being curious and wanting to know more. It is a lifelong process that continues even when we are adults. In a learning situation or scenario, a lot of stuff happens that helps us learn new things. First, we get introduced to a new topic or subject. Someone, like a teacher or a book, tells us about it in a way that is easy to understand. They explain the important information and give examples to make it clearer. Then, we start to explore the topic by asking questions and doing activities our teacher gave to us. We might read books, watch videos, or do experiments to learn more about it. This helps us get a better idea of what we’re learning. As we learn, we also practice what we’ve been taught. We solve problems, do quizzes, or even play games that relate to the topic. This helps us apply what we’ve learned and get better at it. During the learning process, we also make mistakes. But that’s okay, mistakes are nothing to be afraid of because they actually help us learn better. When we make a mistake, we figure out what went wrong and try to fix it. This helps us understand the topic even more. In a learning situation, we also get feedback from our teachers or classmates. They tell us what we’re doing well and where we need to improve. This feedback is really useful because it guides us towards getting better. Finally, we reflect on what we’ve learned. We think about how we’ve improved and how the new knowledge can be useful in our lives. This helps us remember what we’ve learned and motivates us to keep learning more. So, in a learning situation, we learn new things, explore the topic, practice what we’ve learned, make mistakes, get feedback, and reflect on our progress. It’s a process that helps us grow and become better. 

        On the other hand, teaching is the process of sharing knowledge and helping others learn new things. It is a way of guiding and instructing people in order to help them gain information, skills, and understanding about a particular subject or topic. In education context, teaching is a noble profession that prepares the learner to become a productive citizens someday and aware of the global phenomena and be part of how to adapt and mitigate those changes in our world. In simple terms, teaching is like being a guide or a mentor who helps someone explore and discover the world around them. It involves explaining concepts, demonstrating techniques, and providing examples to make things easier to understand. Teaching can take place in various settings, such as schools, colleges, or even at home. Teachers may use different methods, techniques or pedagogy, such as lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, explore the environment, to engage learners and make the learning experience more enjoyable. The main goal of teaching for me is to empower individuals by giving them the tools they need to succeed. It is not just about providing information, but also about nurturing curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. A good teacher encourages students to ask questions, explore different perspectives, and think independently. Teaching is a challenging yet rewarding profession. It requires patience, dedication, and a genuine passion for helping others learn. And the thing that will always be in my mind is that teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future, as they inspire and guide students to reach their full potential. In order to have a successful and productive teaching we must have a plan or if not we must organized the things we aimed to do in our teaching process. That’s why having the professional and personal qualities of a teacher is a must to possess for every future educator. Among the different professional and personal qualities I think a teacher must possess a qualities such as mastery of the subject he’s/she’s been teaching to the student, have an understanding about the feelings and situations of his/her student, prepared all the time, always positive and willing to admit his/her mistakes as a teacher. Why do I say so?, so let’s first emphasize the quality of being knowledgeable about the content of the lesson that were going to teach to the student. If we know every angle, every words, every thoughts and ideas of the lesson we’re going to teach and if the students ask us repeatedly we can answer them clearly and precisely without hesitation to our own answers. Also if the student saw that their teacher is so mastered about a certain subject it will drive them to trust and listen to every words their teacher says. Another is being compassionate and have an understanding about the students, their needs as a student, their ways how they will Learn all of that a teacher must consider in order to have a productive and fruitful discussion in the classroom with their student. Importantly, a teacher must be prepared all the time. We don’t know what situations will going to happen in a day of the class so a teacher must be prepared in order to have a productive discussion despite of all errands and circumstances might go along the way in the discussion or in the classes. Furthermore, teachers also experiencing some downs and problems in their life because no one is exempted on that. But as a teacher we must always face our students with a smile on our face and act positively for them to be encouraged and feel motivated. We must be the one who influence the child to become positive in life. And lastly, teacher must have a characteristic of admitting his/her own mistakes. Being a teacher is not always being right and good. Teachers made mistakes too like a normal people do. So it is not right to always blame the student specially if it is the teacher’s fault. Those qualities will help both teacher and learners along their teaching and learning process. 

        As an educator in the future, my expectations for my students is to acquire cognitive and social skills as a result of their learning. And also for them to become humane and environmental stewardship. These skills are essential for their personal and professional development and will prepare them for success in various aspects of life. I expect my students to develop strong communication skills. This includes both written and verbal communication. Being able to express their thoughts clearly and effectively is crucial in their academic pursuits, as well as In their future careers. Effective communication fosters understanding, collaboration, and the ability to express ideas persuasively. Additionally, collaboration and teamwork are skills I value greatly. I want my students to be able to work effectively in teams, communicate ideas, and respect diverse opinions. Collaborative skills are essential in the modern workforce, as many tasks require individuals to work together towards a common goal. I’m expecting my future students to become humane and steward of environment because as time goes by technology now will dominate our world. I want to foster a student not only critically and cognitively/academically good but also who are naturally and still posses a love for all living things including the people and the world they are living in. The goals I set for my students are centered around their holistic development and preparation for the future. I want them to become a prepared individuals who are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values. One of my goals is to foster a love for learning in my students. I want them to be passionate about taking knowledge, asking questions, and seeking answers. By instilling a love for learning, I hope to cultivate a lifelong thirst for knowledge and personal growth. Another goal is to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem. I want my students to believe in their abilities and have the confidence to pursue their goals and dreams. A strong sense of self-worth will empower them to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities. Additionally, I aim to promote cultural awareness and global citizenship. I want my students to appreciate and respect diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. By fostering an inclusive learning environment, I hope to nurture empathy, tolerance, and a sense of responsibility towards the global community. Furthermore, I set goals to promote emotional intelligence and social skills. I want my students to be empathetic, compassionate, and understanding. Developing these qualities will enable them to build positive relationships, resolve conflicts peacefully, and contribute to a harmonious society. To attain the goals I set for my students, I will implement a variety of activities, outputs, and projects/tasks that promote active learning, engagement, and skill development. For developing communication skills, I will incorporate activities such as group discussions, presentations, debates, and persuasive writing assignments. These tasks will provide opportunities for students to express their thoughts, articulate arguments, and communicate effectively. To promote collaboration and teamwork, I will assign group projects and facilitate cooperative learning activities. These tasks will require students to work together, communicate effectively, and value the contributions of their peers. And for them to become humane and steward of environment, I will include topics or activities related to that in the previous activities that I’ve mentioned or basically what I meant is that the way we enhanced their communication skills, their cognitive skills and holistic development I will always include the activities related for being humane and steward of the nature. By setting goals centered around holistic development and implementing a range of activities, outputs, and projects/tasks, I aim to prepare my students for success in their future careers and become a well rounded citizens.

         Teaching is not just about sharing knowledge; it is about shaping young minds and nurturing holistic development. As a teacher, my teaching philosophy revolves around holisticism, which emphasizes the growth of a student’s mind, body, and emotions. In this part, I will explain how I put my teaching philosophy into action in the classroom and discuss the personal qualities in myself and my students that influence my teaching approach. Holisticism recognizes that each student is unique and has diverse needs. So, when putting my teaching philosophy into practice, my main focus is on creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment which is inspired by Behaviorism Philosophy. I encourage open communication and stress the importance of treating one another with respect in the classroom. By establishing a positive classroom atmosphere, I empower students to freely express themselves and engage constructively with their peers. This approach promotes social growth and encourages students to embrace their individuality. One way I operationalize holistic development is by incorporating interdisciplinary and hands-on learning experiences. Instead of relying only on textbooks and lectures, I design activities that integrate multiple subjects and encourage students to apply their knowledge in real-life situations. For example, when teaching about environmental sustainability, I may involve students in projects such as gardening or organizing a community clean-up. By connecting academic ideas with practical experiences, I foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills while fostering a sense of environmental awareness. Addressing the emotional well-being of students is another crucial aspect of operationalizing holistic development. Recognizing that emotions play a significant role in learning, I strive to create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable expressing their feelings and seeking help when needed. I incorporate mindfulness exercises, journaling, and reflection activities to promote self-awareness and emotional resilience. By fostering emotional development, I aim to enhance students’ overall well-being and create a positive attitude towards learning. Moreover, understanding and appreciating cultural diversity is essential for holistic development. In my classroom, I celebrate the uniqueness of each student’s background and experiences. I encourage open discussions about cultural traditions, values, and perspectives to promote cultural empathy and understanding. By embracing diversity, I aim to create an inclusive learning community where students feel valued and can broaden their worldview through the exchange of ideas and experiences. In addition to operationalizing my teaching philosophy, personal qualities in myself and my students also shape my approach to teaching. As an educator, I believe that being empathetic, patient, and approachable are essential traits. By being empathetic, I can better understand the needs and challenges of my students, and adapt my teaching methods accordingly. Patience allows me to provide the necessary support and guidance for students to learn at their own pace. Being approachable creates a safe and supportive atmosphere where students feel comfortable seeking help or sharing their thoughts. Likewise, the personal qualities of my students influence my teaching approach. Recognizing that each student has unique strengths, interests, and learning styles, I make my lessons to accommodate their individual needs. I encourage their active participation and create opportunities for them to take ownership of their learning. By valuing their input and empowering them, I aim to instill confidence and motivation in my students.

       At last, as a future and eager to be an educator someday and even if I’m already a teacher. I will still strive for knowledge and learnings that I needed to become more professional teacher. As a teacher, I have set goals to help me grow professionally and become an even better educator. These goals focus on improving my teaching skills andexpanding my knowledge. One goal I have set for myself is to enhance my teaching skills. I’ll still learn new strategies and approaches that can make my lessons more engaging and effective for my students. To achieve this goal, I will attend workshops and training sessions that will provide tips and techniques. I will also observe other experienced teachers to learn from their methods. By continuously learning and trying new teaching strategies, I can provide a better learning experience for my students. I will accomplish these goals by attending workshops, reading, observing other teachers, and actively participating in professional learning communities. By continuously learning and seeking out opportunities for self and professional growth, I can provide a better learning experience for my students and contribute to the education community.

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